Tadworth Primary School, Heathcote, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5RR
Tel: (01737) 354541 | Email: info@tadworthps.surrey.sch.uk

Tadworth Primary School

Tadworth Primary School

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Value of the Month - We are a team

What do these sports have in common? Athletics, tennis, golf, motor racing, swimming, boxing. If you are not sure, it may help to think about what the following sports have in common: football, rugby, basketball, ice hockey, cricket, hockey.

You probably guessed that the first list are all typically solo sports where it is rare for people to be in any kind of team. The latter list are all team sports, though of course the numbers in each team vary. Which do you prefer?

This month our value of the month is that ‘we are a team’, a reminder that teams are not just in the world of sports. You can have teams in business, charity work, and yes even school.

So if this is a value, how do you become a good team member?

  1. Play your part well - Teams work best when everyone plays to their strengths. You don’t play your best striker as your goal keeper when playing an important match. School provides an opportunity for you to learn and discover what your strengths are.
  2. Support others in their roles - It can be hard to admit that someone is better at something than you especially if you really want to be good at it. You can of course practise to be better but a good team member is keen to encourage other members in what they are doing while discovering the things they do well. Sometimes we don’t realise that we are doing something well because it comes naturally to us. You might be the first to discover someone’s talent. Think of that.
  3. Help others when they are not at their best - We are not robots. Human beings are not always able to perform at their best. Some days you are able to concentrate and work hard. Other days we are not on top form. We feel ill or not up to it. And at such times we all need others to come alongside us to give support us, or remind us what to do, and how to get better. Good teams value the collective effort and not just those who shine.
  4. Knows the rules - Of course, if you are playing football you know not to pick the ball up and run with it. A netball player is not allowed to bounce the ball - that’s another sport. So in the classroom you are a good team member if you get to know the rules which help keep everyone safe and help us to enjoy learning. And, without being unpleasant, you can gently remind others what they need to do too.

There’s an old saying, ‘there’s no ‘I’ in team’, meaning there is no letter ‘I’ in the word ‘team’, but also when we put ourselves ‘I’ first we fail to be good team members. Let’s strive to be a good team member in the year ahead and enjoy seeing everyone flourish. NP


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