Tadworth Primary School, Heathcote, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5RR
Tel: (01737) 354541 | Email: info@tadworthps.surrey.sch.uk

Tadworth Primary School

Tadworth Primary School

Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School


As a school, we believe e-safety is a crucial area of a child's education and we are committed to raising awareness and educating children in this area.

E-safety is taught in every year group across the school and parental involvement is strongly encouraged.  The school takes part annually in initiatives such as Safer Internet Day and often includes a focus on Cyberbullying during Anti-bullying week.

Articles connected to E-Safety feature in the Tadworth Times and parents are sent e-mails detailing curriculum coverage in school, as and when it occurs so that they can reinforce important messages at home. The latest article appeared on 10 February 2017 and reads:

"Tuesday, 7 February, was ‘Safer Internet Day’ across the country. In school, we have marked the day by reminding children what personal details are and why we shouldn’t share these online. We have also discussed what children should do if they ever have concerns online, including speaking to trusted adults. Further up the school, we also looked at the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) reporting feature, which we encourage the children to complete with a parent (where possible) if they ever have the need to. We continue to focus on e-safety at Tadworth and feel strongly that it is a crucial part of the curriculum. It is vital that children are aware of online risks and we encourage parents to be a part of this education, in order to back up what we cover in school." 

Feedback from our biennial parent workshops has always been very positive with 100% of parents who attended and completed our evaluation form strongly agreeing with the statement - ‘I would recommend the session to other parents’ and that ‘the presentation was interesting and engaging’.  All respondents to our evaluation form had identified follow up actions which they were going to take. These included: checking on safety settings at home and talking to children more.


School E-Safety Rules

Links to CEOP Resources and Reporting