School Council
School Council is made up of children (from Years 2 - 6), nominated by their peers, who meet when we want to consult on any aspect of school life.
Their input was instrumental in consulting on what charities our school should support and in the design of trim trails and playground markings to enhance the children's enjoyment of breaktimes.
As part of the children's role on the School Council, they have also formed part of an 'Anti-bullying Partnership'. They work alongside Miss Prophet (Deputy Head), Mrs Davies (Behaviour Leader), Mrs Peck (PSHE Leader) and representaitives for staff, parents and governors.
The Anti-bullying Partnership have worked on the development of a pupil friendly 'Anti-Bullying' leaflet, aptly titled - 'All for one and one for all, no one here makes others feel small!' Please click here to see this document. Copies are also available from Mrs Marshall at the front office.