Children with Special Educational Needs
At Tadworth Primary School, we believe that every child has the right to access the full curriculum. The opportunity for all to develop skills through active engagement and enjoyment whilst learning alongside their peers, is central to our ethos. We acknowledge that support should be offered within the classroom environment, where possible, but recognise that there are also occasions when some children will receive support in a setting more suitable for their learning needs. We aim to work alongside other agencies providing both emotional and practical support for parents and children whose needs require multi-agency partnerships.
So that parents are aware of the support available from our school, and through services within Surrey, we provide additional information about this in our SEN Information Report (available from our website). Further information about Surrey's Send Local Offer can be found by following this link.
We actively encourage parents to work in partnership with school to ensure that both the child and parents are central in the decision-making process in order to ensure our pupils have the best possible life chances.
If you have any concerns over any special educational need or disability which your son/daughter may have, you may like to discuss this with the school’s Inclusion Leader/SENCo in the first instance.
Please see the below linked documents for further information on our provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Tadworth Primary School Provision Map | Tadworth Primary School SEND Information Report |